August 19, 2022

Release notes - Version 2022.8.18

Release 2022.8.18 contains several updates. First is open-sourcing some of our codebase into microservices with Entity definitions for the WAMPI stack (Workflow, Application, Model, Property, Infrastructure) ADe.js, ProDe.js, MoDe.js, and WoDe.js (more details below).

Release 2022.8.18 contains several updates. First is open-sourcing some of our codebase into microservices with Entity definitions for the WAMPI stack (Workflow, Application, Model, Property, Infrastructure) ADe.js, ProDe.js, MoDe.js, and WoDe.js (more details below). Second, we added a way to measure distances + angles and use multiple selection functionality to manipulate parts of the structure separately in the Materials Designer. Lastly, due to the upcoming phase-out, on the cluster-007 (Azure), the OR8 and SR8 queues were disabled, and OR, SR, OF, and SF queues now have 44 cores and 352GB RAM. In addition, multiple bug fixes and minor UI improvements were implemented.


Changes on the cluster-007 (Azure) cluster

  • πŸ›  OR8 and SR8 queues are disabled.
  • πŸ›  OR, SR, OF, SF queues have new configurations each with 44 CPUs and 352GB RAM.

More information about the Azure cluster queues you can find in our documentation.


New Feature


  • πŸ†• Materials Editor: added a way to measure distances and angles
  • πŸ†• Materials Editor: added selection of multiple objects in the scene
  • πŸ†• Release ADe with application-flavors as a JS package
  • πŸ†• Release ProDe as a JS package
  • πŸ†• Release MoDe as a JS package
  • πŸ†• Release WoDe as a JS package



  • πŸš€ Added linter to template and code.js
  • πŸš€ Updated Meteor and MongoDB
  • πŸš€ ESSE: implemented a way to inject creator, owner, and other webapp reusable fields
  • πŸš€ Minor UX improvements were implemented



  • πŸ›  Fixed Signup validation issue
  • πŸ›  Fixed circular dependency issue in ade with context providers

Just in case you missed it: is now The work of the platform will be stopped in September. All updates are available only on the new Mat3ra platform. You can log in using your username and password from the platform. Click HERE to learn more about the Mat3ra platform. If you have any questions about the Mat3ra platform, feel free to talk with a member of our engineering team.

