July 21, 2022

Release notes - Version 2022.7.21

For the 2022.7.21 release, we are near completing the splitting of our codebase to multiple “micro-services” to be open-sourced in the near term.

For the 2022.7.21 release, we are near completing the splitting of our codebase to multiple “micro-services” to be open-sourced in the near term. This will help us to implement more useful functionality faster and together with our community. We also resolved an issue preventing filtering by a regular expression in the pseudopotential selection form and fixed a bug of compute node deletion on the cluster. The password validation during registration was fixed, and some minor UI improvements were implemented.


  • 🚀 Separated workflow logic from Web Application - import core packages
  • 🚀 Minor UI improvements Materials Editor
  • 🚀 Added tests for Materials Editor
  • 🚀 Converted autoform components to react-jsonschema-form components in the web-app


  • 🛠 Fixed select "Yearly Subscription" by default in the "Update Service Level" form
  • 🛠 Fixed empty job unit output
  • 🛠 Fixed filtering by a regular expression in the pseudopotential selection form
  • 🛠 Fixed password validation during registration
  • 🛠 Fixed compute node deletion on cluster-007

Future updates on the clusters.

In the next release, which will take place on July 28, the following changes will be made on cluster-007 (Azure) cluster:

  • OR8 and SR8 queues will be disabled.
  • OR, SR, OF, and SF queues will have new configurations, each with 44 CPUs and 352GB RAM.

Just in case you missed it: Exabyte.io is now Mat3ra.com. The work of the Exabyte.io platform will be stopped in September. All updates are available only on the new Mat3ra platform. You can log in using your username and password from the Exabyte.io platform. Click HERE to learn more about the Mat3ra platform. If you have any questions about the Mat3ra platform, feel free to talk with a member of our engineering team.