January 18, 2024

Release 2024.1.18

Release 2024.1.18 contains new features as well as some UX improvements. We highlight (1) the ability to construct interfaces with strain matching inside the Materials Designer per Zur and McGill, DOI:10.1063/1.333084; (2) Further extended way to extract the Hubbard parameters (Hubbard U, V, V_nn) from Quantum ESPRESSO hp.x calculations; (3) Initial support for neural-network-based machine-learned forcefields (MLFF) workflows combining ab-initio calculations with QE, ML with DeepMD, and molecular dynamics with LAMMPS.


Release 2024.1.18 contains new features as well as some UX improvements. We highlight (1) the ability to construct interfaces with strain matching inside the Materials Designer per Zur and McGill, DOI:10.1063/1.333084; (2) Further extended way to extract the Hubbard parameters (Hubbard U, V, V_nn) from Quantum ESPRESSO hp.x calculations; (3) Initial support for neural-network-based machine-learned forcefields (MLFF) workflows combining ab-initio calculations with QE, ML with DeepMD, and molecular dynamics with LAMMPS.


  • Add ZSL-based strain matching example to Python Transformation examples
  • New Tutorials for DFT\+U and Hubbard calculation of U, V, V_nn
  • CLI job workflow for DeePMD molecular dynamics calculation
  • Provide "save" and "save & exit" as options in Job/Workflow Designers.
  • Simplify component and styling for Login/Registration/ResetPassword/ForgotPassword pages


  • Upgrade Intel compilers and libraries to 2023.1.30
  • Material tab in job designer is shown when it shouldn't be
  • Create a tutorial for Python Transformation


  • Fix Payments View

For Developers

  • Fully Migrate Materials-Designer tests to use Cypress
  • Update MUI theme defaults for buttons, inputs, and typography in CoVe

Highlight: ZSL-based interfacial strain matching

We highlight the ability to construct interfaces with strain matching inside the Materials Designer per Zur and McGill, DOI:10.1063/1.333084. In the example below we create an interface by placing Graphene on top of a surface of Ni (111).

Highlight: Hubbard Parameter calculations with Quantum ESPRESSO hp.x.

Here's the new workflow flavor allowing one to use hp.x to calculate Hubbard U, V and V_nn) as shown below.

Highlight: machine-learned forcefields (MLFF) workflows

We introduced initial support for neural-network-based machine-learned forcefields (MLFF) workflows combining ab-initio calculations with QE, ML with DeepMD, and molecular dynamics with LAMMPS.

Highlight: Login/Registration styling updates

We simplify component and styling for Login/Registration/ResetPassword/ForgotPassword pages:

Try the new functionality online at https://platform.mat3ra.com/