With Exabyte.io, you can easily create a model that combines multiple elements, and you can also submit jobs at once.

Use Case: Calculation considering the combination of multiple elements


With Exabyte.io, you can easily create a model that combines multiple elements, and you can also submit jobs at once. This time, we will create 10 models (CaZrO 3 , CaHfO 3 , CaSnO 3 , CaTiO 3 , CaGeO 3 , SrZrO 3 , SrHfO 3 , SrSnO 3 , SrTiO 3 , SrGeO 3 ) and calculate the energy.

1. Modeling

To create a model that combines multiple elements, select "Combinatorial set" on the model creation screen. On the “Generate Combinatorial set” screen, set the combination of (Ca, Sr) – (Zr, Hf, Sn, Ti, Ge) – O 3 as shown in Fig. 2.

Figure 1 Combinatorial Set selection

Figure 2 Setting of combinations of multiple elements

This will generate 10 models at once. You can save these models and use them in your calculations.

Figure 3 Generating multiple models

2. Input calculation

You can create 10 jobs at once by checking the 10 generated models and pressing the “Create Job” button.

Figure 4 Model selection and job generation

You can set up similar jobs for each of the 10 models.

Figure 5 Job edit screen

You can submit jobs at once by checking all jobs and pressing "Run".

Figure 6 Batch submission of jobs

Figure 7 Job execution

Figure 8 Job completion

Figure 9 Calculation results

Original Source from: https://ctc-mi-solution.com/複数元素からなる組合せを考慮した計算/